Saturday, June 21, 2008

New Computer

Things seem like they are starting to work out, finally. I was starting to think the world was caving in on me when things started happening for the better.

The last couple of years have been nothing short of hectic. Between miscarriages, premature babies, and pituitary tumors, it was starting to feel like the chain of unfortunate events was never going to end...but things are definitely looking up.

My work has been going quite well, although they have me working on the surface of the sun in Lake Havasu, Arizona. The average temperature is incredibly high there, but I have been hanging in well.

So, since my last post, I bought a new (to me) car. That had us pretty well tapped when a random check showed up from my insurance company just in time to pay for the computer my company "strongly suggested" I acquire.

Now we actually have a few dollars in the bank and I can work more efficiently in a vehicle that has air conditioning and no transmission issues.

Living right, perhaps?

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